
Jill Abramson and The Times: What Went Wrong? – New Yorker

In the gossipy world of New York journalism, the firing of Jill Abramson from her position as the executive editor of the Times provoked a veritable explosion of talk, posts, andInstagram pictures of the objects of interest. And a day after her dismissal, even more details are emerging about why Arthur O. Sulzberger, Jr., the paper’s publisher, felt compelled to dismiss yet another executive editor whom he himself had anointed. The first was Howell Raines, who was forced to resign, in 2003, after the Jayson Blair plagiarism scandal and because his consistently arrogant approach to management had alienated the newsroom. Sulzberger and Abramson had a fraught relationship almost from the start of her tenure as executive editor, nearly three years ago.
