
Elizabeth Warren 2016?

While Massachusetts Democratic Sen. Elizabeth Warren said she hopes former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton makes a run for the White House in 2016, she declined to explicitly endorse Clinton’s candidacy today on “This Week.”

“You know, all of the women – Democratic women, I should say, of the Senate – urged Hillary Clinton to run, and I hope she does,” Warren responded when asked by ABC’s George Stephanopoulos if Clinton was her candidate in 2016.

“Hillary is terrific,” she said when asked again if she would endorse her in the event Clinton makes a run for the Democratic nomination…

From ABC News


Whole Foods Phase Out Chobani, Danone

Chobani, a yogurt brand and producer, has been a huge success story: over $1 billion in 2013 revenue

Whole Foods decided to no longer sell Chobani yogurt in Dec. 2013. While the reason was not GMO-free entirely as reported initially on WSJ, Whole Foods wanted to make room for product choices that aren’t available on the market: such as its own private label products and Stonyfield Greek yogurt.

American yogurt market was estimated at $7.6 billion, and the Greek segment would account for 50%+ of the market. In the Greek yogurt market, Chobani has had almost 50% share, followed by Danone‘s 20%.
