Business, Character

Jack Ma, Davos World Economic Forum Interview

Ma applied for a job at KFC with 23 other applicants. And all of them were accepted other than him. Also, he was rejected by Harvard ten times.

If every one else thinks your idea is good, your business is destined to fail for sure. Don’t be afraid to be called crazy. You may be crazy, but not stupid.

Alibaba had no revenue for its first three years.

Business, Character, Humanity

Never Give Up. Today is Hard, Tomorrow Will Be Worse, But the Day After Tomorrow Will Be Sunshine

To my fellow entrepreneurs,

Some memorable quotes from Alibaba’s Jack Ma (from Rebecca Fannin, Forbes)

”When I am myself, I am happy, and have a good result.”

“Never give up. Today is hard, tomorrow will be worse, but the day after tomorrow will be sunshine.”

“I want to change history, do something important in my life, and influence individuals like we have with millions of small businesses on Alibaba. Then they love and respect you because you made their life important.”

The Jack Ma interview by Charlie Rose is highly recommended: insightful and philosophical. When you hear Jack Ma, you instantly know how he is different from many other billionaires. Maybe Jack Ma would possibly be remembered better, longer and more respectably by next generations than any other entrepreneurs in this world.

Business, Character

Ackman, Herbalife, Washington

Pershing Square’s short has been a losing trade so far. Given the large size of the short position, traders on the other side have driven the stock price up by short squeeze. Herbalife defended strongly.

Persing Square’s analyst who worked on the Herbalife short has left the firm. And Ackman has taken this matter to regulators now. Herbalife responded Ackman should be investigated.

“Choosing money over power is a mistake almost everyone makes. Money is the big mansion in Saratoga that starts falling apart after ten years. Power is that old stone building that stands for centuries. I cannot respect someone who does not see the difference.” Francis Underwood, House of Cards
